Hard K-means法をすらすら書けるようになって、より理解したい。
Hard K-meansとは?
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> x <- rnorm(100, 1, 1) > y <- rnorm(200, -1, 1.5) > x [1] 3.55440945 1.13956828 0.66996553 -1.17308267 -0.03045219 0.54874224 0.79382312 -0.54777503 -0.79043860 [10] 1.02266895 0.93474787 2.18184259 1.83739174 1.24357379 2.32703197 2.32145908 0.93608525 1.46243710 [19] 0.27974388 0.19649439 2.63546205 1.84987130 2.31033858 1.76711870 0.83373538 -0.60817340 2.38259189 > write.table(x, file="hoge.csv", sep=",", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE) > write.table(y, file="hoge.csv", sep=",", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE) |
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> data<-read.csv("hoge.csv", header=FALSE) > png("hist.png") > hist(data$V1) > dev.off() |

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package dnd.main; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import dnd.model.Processor; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { List<Double> data = readCsv(); Processor proc = new Processor(data); proc.desc(); proc.iterate(true); } private static List<Double> readCsv() throws FileNotFoundException { List<Double> data = new ArrayList<Double>(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("C:\\r\\data\\hoge3.csv")); while(scanner.hasNextLine()) { if (!scanner.hasNextDouble()) break; data.add(scanner.nextDouble()); } scanner.close(); return data; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ package dnd.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class Processor { private final List<Double> pts; // 各点 private final List<Integer> belong_to; // 各点がどのクラスタに属するか private final List<Double> clusters; // 平均が入る private final Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private int gen = 0; // abbrev: generation private static final int MAX_GEN = 10; public Processor(List<Double> data) { this.pts = data; belong_to = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i=0, l=data.size(); i<l; i++) { belong_to.add(0); } clusters = new ArrayList<Double>(2); for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { clusters.add(rand.nextDouble()); } } public void iterate(boolean verbose) { for (gen=0; gen<MAX_GEN; gen++) { update(); if (verbose) dump(); } } private void update() { // 各点がどのクラスタに属するかを計算しなおす。 // belong_toをアップデートする for (int i=0; i<pts.size(); i++) { double[] distances = distances(i); double max = 0; int max_idx = 0; for (int j=0; j<clusters.size(); j++) { if (distances[j] > max) { max = distances[j]; max_idx = j; } } belong_to.set(i, max_idx); } // クラスタの平均位置を計算しなおす。 // clustersをアップデートする for (int i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { // pts.stream().filter(p -> p > ) double sum = 0; double num = 0; for (int j=0; j<pts.size(); j++) { // このクラスタに属するなら平均に加算 if (belong_to.get(j) == i) { sum += pts.get(j); num++; } } if (num==0) continue; // 0このときはアップデートしない clusters.set(i, sum/num); } } private double[] distances(int i) { return clusters.stream().mapToDouble(p -> distance(p, pts.get(i))).toArray(); } /** * 1次元ユークリッド距離を採用 * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return */ private Double distance(Double p1, Double p2) { return Math.abs(p1 - p2); } public void dump() { // 標準出力にdump System.out.println("clusters state (time=" + gen + "): "); int count; for (int i=0; i<clusters.size(); i++) { count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pts.size(); j++) { if (belong_to.get(j) == i) { count++; } } System.out.println("cluster " + i + " contains: " + count + " points. center coordinates: " + clusters.get(i)); } System.out.println(""); } public void desc() { System.out.println("-----------------------"); System.out.println("number of points: " + pts.size()); System.out.println("number of clusters: " + clusters.size()); System.out.println("-----------------------"); } } |
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----------------------- number of points: 300 number of clusters: 2 ----------------------- clusters state (time=0): cluster 0 contains: 186 points. center coordinates: -1.4129974388598074 cluster 1 contains: 114 points. center coordinates: 1.2971964866434549 clusters state (time=1): cluster 0 contains: 136 points. center coordinates: 1.1092285877425099 cluster 1 contains: 164 points. center coordinates: -1.6206842200216565 clusters state (time=2): cluster 0 contains: 154 points. center coordinates: -1.7159040371421193 cluster 1 contains: 146 points. center coordinates: 1.0226855997898359 clusters state (time=3): cluster 0 contains: 152 points. center coordinates: 0.970188295301764 cluster 1 contains: 148 points. center coordinates: -1.7730117907867464 clusters state (time=4): cluster 0 contains: 145 points. center coordinates: -1.802246176639312 cluster 1 contains: 155 points. center coordinates: 0.9444423965298704 clusters state (time=5): cluster 0 contains: 155 points. center coordinates: 0.9444423965298704 cluster 1 contains: 145 points. center coordinates: -1.802246176639312 |


- 2次元でも動くプログラムを書く。
- ユークリッド距離以外も採用する。
- 多次元の斜めGaussianでも動くプログラムを書く。
- もっと面白いデータを採用する。
- Soft K-Meansにする。
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> library(MASS) > x <- mvrnorm(100, mu=c(2,2), Sigma=matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.2,0.5), 2, 2)) > y <- mvrnorm(200, mu=c(-1,-1), Sigma=matrix(c(0.2,-0.2,-0.2,0.6), 2, 2)) > write.table(x, file="hoge.csv", sep=",", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE) > write.table(y, file="hoge.csv", sep=",", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE) > z<-read.csv("hoge.csv", header=FALSE) > plot(z) |

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package dnd.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Point { private List<Double> coord = new ArrayList<Double>(); public int append(double newCoord) { coord.add(newCoord); return coord.size(); } public int size() { return coord.size(); } public void add(Point point) { if (size() < point.size()) { fillZero(point.size()); } for (int i=0, l=coord.size(); i<l; i++) { coord.set(i, coord.get(i) + point.get(i)); } } private void fillZero(int size) { for (int i=size(),l=size; i<l; i++) { coord.add(0.0); } } public double get(int index) { return coord.get(index); } public Point divideBy(double num) { for (int i=0, l=coord.size(); i<l; i++) { coord.set(i, coord.get(i)/num); } return this; } /** * n次元ユークリッド距離を採用 * @param p * @param point * @return */ public Double distance(Point point) { double s = 0; for (int i=0, l=coord.size(); i<l; i++) { s += Math.pow(coord.get(i) - point.get(i), 2); } return Math.sqrt(s); } public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("["); for (int i=0, l=coord.size(); i<l; i++) { b.append(coord.get(i)); if (i!=l-1) b.append(","); } b.append("]"); return b.toString(); } } |
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----------------------- number of points: 300 number of clusters: 2 ----------------------- clusters state (time=0): cluster 0 contains: 152 points. center coordinates: [0.8243998874596067,1.2864114984381305] cluster 1 contains: 148 points. center coordinates: [-0.8811133753258286,-1.345865595513471] clusters state (time=1): cluster 0 contains: 198 points. center coordinates: [-1.0303177452999635,-1.041566356990283] cluster 1 contains: 102 points. center coordinates: [1.9500678128924533,1.9860448853988062] clusters state (time=2): cluster 0 contains: 100 points. center coordinates: [2.0120811368147398,2.0054231647075054] cluster 1 contains: 200 points. center coordinates: [-1.0315205516791826,-1.0209793842207417] |

ピンバック: 実践:Hard K-means法 | The Big Computing
ピンバック: データサイエンス人気記事 - The Big Computing